Part 41: + Directory:"Status report. What is the progress on Project Exodus?"
"Actually sir, I must say, for what started out as a very risky expenditure has turned around in our favor most definitely. The Up-Grade we implemented some time ago seems to have finally kicked in to the Control."
The malevolent Malamar floating behind Claurence beams at the news, it's a brief moment of delight that betrays his demeanor and paralysis-inducing glare, "Is that so? Wonderful. Have you been able to stabilize its hex bytes?"
The Clauncher shrugs, though it's kind of a lopsided shrug given his abnormally large claw, "Well, it's a steady process to be brutally honest. This cybernetic leviathan potentially /holds/ the ability to change the entire universe in our favor simply by playing the role of an activation vessel, and in order to suit it up for that role, I have to meticulously edit its individual values--every single stat!-- until I get /just/ the right combination. It's like a mix of bulkiness and raw power, so to speak. We have to make sure that it certainly stays alive long enouh to play it's role while also dishing out attacks of the same caliber."