>>40389623>Since Gen 3!This excuses this how?
>Other games do it too!And this excuses this how?
Actually no. I can't think of a single modern game that asks you to buy the previous one for a piece of content. It is an archaic concept and seems like something more likely out of an old toy company nowadays.
>You're a manchild!Okay.
>It came out so long, you could have played them!I didn't want to?
>Just do this convoluted and dishonest workaround to get them!I don't need to tell you why that's stupid.
Plus second hand game retailers are dead in my country. We just get games online either from retailers or other people.
>Don't be mad at GameFreak, it's something small! It's good that they're trying to Jew you into buying their games and rewarding the good goys who did!Mhm.