>>39407236>>39407497Aaron got smacked down by Gorby. Adenauer ripped Bertha's team apart. Nasser swamped Flint. And Scowcroft trivialized Lucian. Smooth sailing for sure. And Cynthia?
Togekiss: Krushchev traded three Air Slashes for Sludge Bomb (Poisoned), Thunder (miss), Thunder and took it down.
Roserade: Gorby slams it with Fly. 2 KOs.
Milotic: A single Ice Beam WOULD have killed my starter...if I hadn't specifically looked around for EV-dropping berries and did other stuff to bump up Adenauer's SpD. As it stood, Adenauer, the bro, survived on 21 HP after using Wood Hammer. Milotic faints.
Lucario: Nasser hit it with EQ, but didn't kill. Took an ESpeed probably meant for Adenauer given how I'm playing Set. Full Restore was met with Surf, then another EQ for the knock out.
Spiritomb: No reliable answers here, but I left Nasser in to Surf once, and let McCarthy chip away with Night Slash crits until it died.
GARchomp: Krushchev came back in and WOULD have gotten fucked, had Cynthia successfully made him eat the Dragon Rush. Shadow Ball once (no debuff), DRush misses again. Huh. Nasser takes advantage to switch in again, Blizzard hits. KO.
VICTORY. Onto Burakku Version.