>>56018617Cool art for Mawile. With that HP the powercreep for current cards is real.... Mega cards got shafted.
Cards that use their trainer's supporter as a condition for the attack effect are KINO
Ark Flash has the cool flavor for the Basic type card niche for when you want to do a little styling on the opponent.
>>56018574it's just the art in the full art trainer card, I think you had it to make the tierlist a few threads ago, but it's just not in the archive.
>>56019097I like the flavor but wouldn't shuffling then picking off the top or bottom be the same chance of randomness? lol
I like the increased chances at coinflips. It can really create some interesting situations especially if you can do it at will given you have the cards to spare.
I would have to say that it's fairly OP, but it's just interesting enough I would really want to see it play tested.
You only take the result of the next coin flip right?
Just a few thoughts I collected with cards that could combo.
Hypno could consistently steal strong moves from the opponents for a very cheap cost of 1 energy.