>X or Y?Y
>What is your favourite pokemon in Gen 6?Noivern. First dragon I've ever actually liked on it's own merits and not used out of necessity.
>What is your favourite pokemon in general?Faraligatr. Croc-bro all the way.
>Favourite Gen?2, because eat shit, that's why.
>What are you most looking forward to in X/Y?New pokemon and/or 3D everything.
>Boy or girl? (in X/Y)Boy.
>Favourite type?Water.
>Least Favourite type?Dragon or Fighting.
>Favourite game that's not pokemon?Dragon's Dogma.
>Do you have a pokemon related waifu, is so who?Nope.
and finally
>Do you have autism?Well, I DID correct you on all of your misspellings of 'favourite'.