>>48130811After catching Cleffa, I found out that Azurill was actually an extremely low encounter rate, like 2% at best, in the Great Marsh, on top of having about a 50% chance of running away, all for a mon that I wouldn't be able to use as anything other than fodder anyway. So I think I'll skip that.
Wake was a breeze, literally just clicked super effective moves with new team member Erin. Floatzel did take 3 Thunderbolts thanks to its berry, but only responded with weak moves in return.
Maylene was far harder, and I should have prepared better. I thought the AI would use Detect first turn with her lead Meditite so I could set up Substitute with Cheren and safely take out her team behind it. Instead, she acts much more randomly. This was both a detriment and a help. Cheren took out her Meditite and Machoke, set up Reflect on Lucario, then I tried swapping to Girafarig but Girafarig proved far too weak and slow to take it on. I then tried slow Baton Passing to Lopunny, as I outsped and could kill with Jump Kick, but I missed my first and it took 2, in fact, to kill it. Fortunately, since her AI is so bad, she never went for Drain Punch on Lopunny, opting instead for Metal Claw or Bone Rush.
I take my fourth badge, but this is a stern reminder I need to plan better and can't go in with just some vague idea of how battles will go if they literally have a team full of super effective moves against me.
>>48135993Good luck for Norman, Breloom should hopefully be enough.
>>48136397There's a setting on the UPR which makes enemy trainer Pokemon get randomized to Pokemon of about equal strength, I believe.
>>48137819Ah that's really interesting you did Green as well as RBY. Don't think I've ever seen anyone do that for a full series before