>>55009789I hang on /vpwt/ as a writer and I won't take the slander of being associated with your disgusting faggot asses. Yes, even the people who make stories about fucking pokemon are better than your ilk.
The reason /vpwt/ is sporadic is ENTIRELY to avoid the gurgling diarrhoea spew of shit that a 24/7 "general" that's a glorified gaggle of discord cock gobbler turns into. Explicitly so.
The general specifically stops for days to a week to get RID of you and scum like you. We know there's not enough people to keep a 24/7 general up, and that's fine, because the only people that even see a never-ending forum as a positive are no-life internet parasites that offload their baggage on everyone like they're flying economy.
Maybe your general would get SOME real activity if it wasn't a constant dribble of shit that HAD to be on forever because some autismo is gonna have a breakdown if his online pretend-friends aren't three clicks away and ready to engage in the most disgusting shit under the sun with the guise of "keeping le threads alive at all costs". And don't start with that shit where you pretend you're doing some grand good thing when all you're "keeping alive" is your dog-fucker hugbox.
And no, I've never played a PMD game, and don't start pretending I need to to "understand the threads", your threads bring the actual games up as often as Nintendo does. Shut the fuck up. Stop writing.