>>32368322Adaptable but prefer situations youre comfortable/familiar with.
>>32368333chill but filled with nervous energy.
>>32368341you've considered a tribal tattoo at least twice in the last year. Don't.
>>32368380you like weird stuff but arent one to share it out of fear that people will dislike you for it.
>>32368391you get by in social situations but even the most mundane of them can make you anxious.
>>32368413People mistake you for a stoner. Clumsy but not in a slapstick way.
>>32368416You only like change when you initiate it or it directly benefits you.
>>32368823You are the real word version of Charlie Brown.
>>32368942You were sorta popular in middle school but you have trouble making/maintaining friendships now that you are older.
>>32368991Complete degenerate.
>>32369016Usually composed but you have a very short fuse with an explosive temper.
>>32369064Low key hilarious. The people you actually let in know your sense of humor but you dont correct the people who call you by the wrong name.
>>32369123You like to take things in and process before acting. People mistake this for laziness or indecisiveness.
>>32369156Your mom is your best friend.
>>32369166Hipster but not a douche about it.
>>32369195Manlet that compensates lack of height with muscle definition.
>>32369199You "play devils advocate" with everyone just to get a rise out of them.
>>32369298You dont understand people with social anxiety. You do your thing and dont care much what others think.
>>32369358Former neckbeard type who cleaned up/got in shape but still falls back on old habits at times.
>>32369486Childish but you had a tough upbringing.
>>32369554You are the brutally honest type. Not everyone gets along with you. You're bothered by it but dont want to change for others.
>>32370052You think you have a secret. Everyone already knows.
>>32370186You are from a family where you are the "forgotten" sibling but are close with them anyway.