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Why are IVs and EVs even a thing on top of natures and abilities? No wonder this game franchise has been fucking dead since Gen III, it's the same reason YGO and Digimon went to fuck. All those franchises have left nowadays is trying to cash in on nostalgia. If next game isn't Kanto remake or game that takes place in it(even if partially like G/S), I am dropping this franchise again just like after R/S. There's just so much disgusting shit in this game that I have to question who even runs this show:
>competitive tournaments are fucking double matches which should have been relegated to a meme minigame and never competitive
>they allow legendaries
>retarded grindy ass RNG gated time sinks like iv/nature breeding which encourage cheating
>super half assed designs that put shit like voltorb and mr mime on higher tiers by comparison
>moving away from exploration and nature/animal based designs
>retarded overdesigned digimon shit
>complexity and power creep due to lack of creativity instead of a more lateral creep
Once they re-open pokebank and the influx of returning players realize how retarded this all is, Pokemon is going back to decay unless they really step their game up with a reboot or serious changes to tackle all the issues they have. They've also done away with many fantastic mechanics they've introduced but forget on a gen to gen basis.
The one thing these shitty games have going for them are waifus but there's better waifu centric games out there so I fear for what the future has for GameFreak and Pokemon as a whole.