>>55889847I remember Archie being weak, so I didn't check his moves or his Pokémon.
Justina was one level away from evolving and probably could have solo'd the fight with Warner Bro.
Instead, I got all my Pokemon Shredded, and Lewis was both opperatives on the field, Warner Brother sat healing himself with Moonlight while everyone around him died, and Lewis didn't know his types as he shouldn’t be expected to, he used Confusion on Mightyena and Sharpedo, who were immune and never used it on Golbat. Albeit he did get to see that confusion doesn't affect Dark types as Venna was the one to accidently kill a Lunatone.
The failure of the Archie fight lays primarily on me, though, the kne who knows how to play this childrens game, as Lewis would not have lost a single Pokemon if it weren't for me.