storyless update because with my planning nothing really happens for a while in it
also Charline deserves a break lol im not in the mindset to write her having any more trouble atm
good news: the whole team is now fully-evolved, and ready to fight Drayden
i'm more than a bit scared because I not only no longer have a safe switch-in to any general threat (like I did with Harvard on the team), but also that the only effective weapon I have against a gym full of dragons is... my own dragon, which has just as big a chance of dying as the gym trainers' mons do in the fight
I might just put Sparta out in front for all the trainers and then lead with someone else for Drayden because I do not want to grind any more and losing a member would force me into that
>>53309097>i miss og bw alreadyhaha I feel your pain
idk why I always get burnt out on 2 the second I reach Castelia, but i've been feeling that for quite a bit now
will probably wrap up the story today and then move on because this is getting a bit draining>>53310252thanks, I will agree it's looking pretty cool now more than ever. a little eclectic- I'm not sure most people would classify Golduck and Emolga as cool as Haxorus and Excadrill- but i'm a fan of that kind of team, so I'm happy
wishing you luck with the Subway too! I'd never even considered using it as part of my runs before because I'm not too much of a battler but I'm heavily considering it now. Hopefully it helps you lots
>>53309487>>53309771god damn man, sorry. I know the feeling, and choking right before the end sucks ass. Hopefully your next 'lockes fair a bit better. Enjoy the break
>>53309465the more I look at your art the more familiar it feels
do you post it somewhere online, outside of this thread? or in one of the drawthreads?