>coffee in this world is 10 times the price of waterjust an average day at a kikebucks in commiefornia, i suppose
just looking back on some older posts
>>56456899as rg said the bingo cards don't really reflect what we think of games, and oftentimes are used for jokes
the whole 'dev inserts his irl issues into games' thing for instance is because we're calling the dev a cuck for this game being obsessed with NTR and spain being a pozzhole of a country, it's not a 'real' criticism. you can usually tell when we're putting on le serious cap and giving actual criticism
also, by far the worst game we've ever played in these threads probably does better on bingo than a lot of the 'great' games we've done (didn't want to make two separate image posts kek)
>>56455670dragon's darts is actually ridiculously difficult to code for some reason, they bitch about it a lot in the comments of the reborn/rejuv scripts