>>29786893>oh wow i like thing™>me too like the thing™>the thing is made by Dudeguy mcCunt®>man i sure do love Dudeguy McCunt®!>me too! he make the best Thing™!2 years later
>here we show the new Stuff©, by Dudeguy McCunt®!>oh no! it shit!>no bro is cool i like Stuff©>but ||INSERT HERE REASON I DON'T LIKE IT||>it's cool bro, i like it because ||INSERT HERE REASON I LIKE IT||>lol keep sucking Dudeguy McCunt®'s Dick lol, you only defend him lol u suck u cuck shill go kys faggot piece of shit stain of the earth drink clorox and then slit your veins with a cianide pill you fucking faggot retard of dare you??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????