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Anyone still taking requests? Tryna get this lil badass genned before the apocalypse.
Pokemon: Raikou
Nickname?: Gideon
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Nah
Specific PokeBall: Ultra
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31, but see Moves section
EVs: 252 speed, 252 sp attack, 4 HP. I don't mind EV training it myself if you wanna leave him blank.
Moves: This is the important part. I need this fucker to have Hidden Power Ice, and I know that affects the IV distribution. So y'know, just make him have the highest IVs possible, while still giving him HP Ice.
Other than that, Sub/CalmMind/TBolt works.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me out! I can offer ANY BP item, or pentaperfect Machops, or many, many 4IV HA breeding leftovers. Or, if interested, a 6IV shiny Sudowoodo.