>>27153537>>27153537“The fingers are articulated and flexible levers which allow us to touch, to tickle, to press, to embrace, to possess, by multiplying sweet contacts and delicious sensations… In a caress one gives and receives at the same time. The hand which distributes love, as by a magnetic effusion, receives it in turn from the skin of the loved one. It is on this account that one of the most habitual and most voluptuous expressions of love consists in passing the hand through the hair. The hand finds, in this labyrinth of supple and living threads, an infinite multiplication of these amorous contacts. It seems that each hair is an electrical thread placing us in intimate connection with the senses, with the heart, and even with the thought of the one we love. It is not for nothing that the long tresses of women have been for all time a pledge of love, and that the bald bewail the loss of a whole province of the empire of pleasure.”- Paolo Mantegazza, Physiognomy and Expression
>>27153555Read the thread.