Honest to God you SHOULD give B/W a try.
It's different, VERY different, from any other Pokémon game. It's Gen 5 only until Post Game, so you have about as many options as you did in Gen 1, but they will be less familiar.
Biggest Pros;
>Harder than usual. Universally agreed to have the hardest and most actually challenging Crime Boss>The entire crime story is mixed up, and its the only game to really change that formula>Forced to use Gen 5 mons is so refreshingBiggest Cons;
>If you don't like many Gen 5 Pokemon, and are unwilling to make new bros, you're gonna have a rough time>The games are the most linear of any game. >Aside from a few optional side areas, it's a straight path with stops for battling and dialogue dumps>(That being said, the optional exploration areas are possible the best in any game)OK, now that I've said all that, I can say this;
B2W2 are vastly superior games, but they DO benefit a lot from having played the first games.
Firstly, Memory Link. It's just fanservice, but you get some lore/backstory cutscenes added to your game. Very neat touch.
Secondly, while they do their best to explain the events of the first game, experiencing it yourself is obviously going to make it more enjoyable.
Third, going through the game with a mix of Unova mons and classics was brilliant because you get to either try the pokemon you never got to last time, or travel with all your buddies old and new.
Fourth, you experience a fixed, more elaborate and less linear Unova.
That being said, skipping B/W should be A-OK too, you'll still enjoy all of
>>27703846 just fine. It just might not feel as rewarding.
The RISK of playing B/W first however, is that you might feel burned out on Unova and not want to travel it again, even with all the differences and fanservice.
Hope this semi-rant gave some insight!