>>27244253When we got to bellsprout tower she immediately caught one without even trying. She truly was a better trainer than I was.
"C'mon out Bellsprout." Lyra gave her Bellsprout a tap on the head. "Everytime that little bitch disobeys, spank him with a vine whip."
"What? Dont make your Pokemon do that. They shouldn't be used like that." I started to scold Lyra.
"Shut up you little bitch. Bellsprout use vine whip."
The vine whacked my ass so hard and I fell to the ground and writhed in pain.
"Do you want another one, bitch?" Lyra asked.
"No, please no." My eyes were watering.
"The correct answer is yes, princess."
Bellsprout started spanking me harder and harder. I began to cry from the pain. Lyra was just laughing. When Bellsprout was done, Lyra came up to me and pulled down my pants and revealed my ass.
"Oohhhh that looks like it hurt a lot. It's so red." Lyra then smacked my ass. "Stop your crying and let's go."