SamHyde initiates with SKYNET. Failed Whirlwind. SEIZURE PROCEDURE: THE FINAL. Alakazam. Eat a Psybeam to paralyze. Alakazam enjoys giving free switches, into FISHDICKS. Get a free Surf from para, then eat a Psybeam. Ala finally uses Recover correctly, immediately nullify it with a crit. Rhydon. Well, don't mind if I do. Exeggutor. Switch into SKYNET, past a missed Barrage. Get cautious/sadistic and hit it with Parafusion before mowing it down with SP:TF on loop. Gyarados. Put all my money where my mouth is, and eat a Hyper Beam. The robot end of the world is almost averted, but the rave party that is SKYNET survives WITH 7 HP. The final Seizure Procedure is played. Charizard. Hate to risk a Fire Spin, but the machine's about to break. Switch into Slash... With the BIGgest of NIGGAs. Show Charizard what his competitive future will be filled with; Pebble Slip.
Time for the hard one. Cindy initiates with OLIVER. Onesurfs Sandslash. Alakazam. Get chills upon realizing only OLIVER can stand his ground. Toxic, Ala recover shenanigans. Psybeam does under half health. Heal out of spook, but he tries to Kinesis. Toxic's ticking down. Get Psybeam critted, survive with 8HP. Heal again, eating a last Psybeam as Toxic claims another. Exeggutor. Go into Alice, dodge Barrage. Fly for 2 Hypnosis misses. Drill Tempest its ass dead. Cloyster, potentially my last hurdle. Go into unhealed OLIVER again. Toxic motherfucker, ain't eating Clamp. Surf it dead. Ninetales. Final swap into the King of Braves, GREG. Goldion Crusher (EQ) it past Confuse Ray, and same to Jolteon, who deserves props for surviving one of them with a pixel of HP and retaliating decently via Pin Missile.
Somewhere, Cindy screams into the sky, her vengeance complete.
Nuzlocke segment done... almost.
There can only be one Champion. (this will be for funsies though, take your bets)
>>36489681Yes and yes, I'm also doing the birds, and all in-game trades. Gen I's Completion segment's short.