>>54252047Dear pokemon fans.... Stop buying.
>b-but I love pokemon!Stop buying.
>b-but battles are fun!Stop buying.
>b-but my imagination is weak despite having 7 billion pokemon and anime!Stop buying.
>b-but no one would care!If I kill someone without any care, does that make it okay?
>b-but I want to support the creators!Stop buying.
>b-but my friend gave this to me!You stop buying. Him stop buying.
>b-but I got it for a very good price!Stop buying.
>b-but you shouldn't care if I buy or not!Stop buying.
>b-but I bought this fair and square! I-I just happened to be at a 2009 garage sale and got something that is rare on ebay!Stop buying.
>b-but you're acting like a communist!Stop buying.
>b-but republicans let me do it!Stop buying.
>b-but *buzzword buzzword buzzword*Stop buying.
>b-but you can't act holier-than-thou! Y-You're just some random shitposter on the internet!Stop buying.
>c-cope!Stop buying.
>Y-You will never be a woman!Stop buying.
>D-do you want to ban every game and DLC? Because they all cost money!Yes, there has to be no charge and reconditioned into free software. Capitalism and greed will never be tolerated in a just society.
>N-No that's not fair!Stop buying.
>b-but-No more excuses. Stop buying.