>>29165097>So for the most part instinct are forced to buy coinsThey're...not?
I live in a Mystic dominated town. Spoofing shitheads everywhere because it's also a college town.
And yet I have no problems finding lv 10 Instinct gyms to occupy. You just need to explore your whole town.
The only things that matter in my opinion are that if you want your team to have a presence in your town:
- Get a high CP lineup that can occupy allied gyms without worrying about getting kicked out in 2 minutes, and
- Get a real battling team that can actually boost prestige in a reasonable amount of time.
I've been working on Flareon #4 today (pumped in about 30k Star Dust today already) and he's about 85k Star Dust away from getting maxed out. There are still two more high level Instinct gyms I can occupy but I don't have enough high CP Pokemon to insert. After that, I'm buffing Flareon #5 and then either one of the 90%+ IV Grass Pokemon I'm hoping will turn out to have Solar Beam or the Dragon Breath + Blizzard Seadra I've been wanting to meme the Dragonite stacks with.
Also the battling lineup is necessary for the weekends where roving bands of Mystic players decide to take down a lv 10 Instinct gym and replace it with a lv 5-7 Mystic one. If you're not in the dominant team, you need to take initiative and be ready to take it down yourself. Sometimes you run out of potions and revives, sometimes you have too many, but to poorly paraphrase TF2 Sniper, always have a plan to kill every enemy gym you meet.
You have to carry your team, show Mysticfags that their lv 10 gyms aren't safe, and show your teammates that you are out there somewhere fighting the fight so that they can still feel like fighting for gyms still means something.
I've been playing for months, I have a shitton of various Pokemon with various moveset combinations. It takes time to build up a good army of Pokemon to do this shit with but at the end, it's worth it. Just bought my first 25-pack of Lucky Eggs.