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This is my team so far.
Part 2.
First I headed up north and my Starly evolved into a Staravia which was awesome, I then caught a Buizel at the Valley Windworks. I was able to beat Commander Mars from Team Galactic pretty easy as I just had Staravia spam loads of double teams before she sent out Purugly. After dealing with Team Galactic, I caught a Shellos so now I have two water types and my Turtwig evolved into a Grotle. I tried to catch a Budew in Eterna Forest but unfortunately Cheryl's Chansey used Egg Bomb and defeated it. I would then go on to catch both a Bronzor and a Nosepass in Mount Coronet so now I have a full team of six. Now I have to take on the gym leader Gardenia.
Any advice for Gardenia? It shouldn't be to hard as I have Staravia