>>16667110I know how you feel, but I eventually got my game back
>be in 4th grade>faggot steals ruby>notice when I get back home>fucking depressed>go to school next day>faggot is playing the game in recess, surrounded by a lot of kids>he doesn't want me to see>notice he has my game>fucking pissed>P.E. is last class of the day>we used jumping ropes that day>teacher goes out for a bit>this is my chance>confront faggot>he insists game is his>look at trainer card>it's my name>he says it's another friend of his who has the same name>I feel the rage of a thousand suns>whip that fat faggot into submission>hands me my game>teacher gets back>faggot tells on me>get demerits>mom says she doesn't care because I did the right thing