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Didn't do much yesterday but I'm back in the saddle today. Got Terroir and Brahsomosis to evolution before trying to tackle Clay. I forgot how much I liked Gen V's gym and how they are folded into the overall plot. Elesa and Skyla
especially, but Clay's door at the bottom of the mine shaft is pretty cool too.
Obligatory died during the trainers from a sandile critical. Branches and Anollo just seemed slightly too frail to risk on Clay's moves, so they sat behind Sumoppet's TREMENDOUS BULK. Clay damned himself by swaggering on Sumoppet's switch in, and the martial artist's clarity of thought prevented him from missing any attacks or hitting himself in the face.
I don't really want Watchog or Mincinno or since I'm feeling a little fighting weak right now, I might go with Swadloon or Vanillite but I'll see who shows up in Chargestone cave before filling the sixth spot.