>>38875779I don't disagree with what you're saying, relativism at some point is merely a distraction from that which surrounds you, the material nature of reality that must be confronted directly and not ignored in exchange for spirituality. But perhaps the Vaporeon is the perfect metaphor for such a thing - in the minds of some, the Vaporeon is as real as anything you or I can see with our eyes, it is something that people lust after and want to experience the idealized form of, yet it takes only a moment's thought to recognize that it is just an illusion with no inherent value, a distraction from that which truly is material. It is from this angle that we can see the contradiction of appreciating the Vaporeon, just as we can see the contradiction of supporting and perpetuating the system that exists today - we fantasize about it, we project ourselves onto it, but it can never truly exist in the way that we want it to and the only true way forward is to let it die.
In a metaphysical sense of course, don't let your vaps die just hug them as much as possible