>>33254725This quote alarms me quite a bit. A few thoughts that come to mind:
-They must know that a large portion of the fanbase would be content with just an enhanced HD port of Sun/Moon engine with a new region and Pokemon
-The Switch hardware isn't that different from the Wii U hardware, which in turn can't be that different from the 3DS hardware.. besides, Nintendo would gladly share programmers to assist in the development since this game would pretty much be guaranteed to print money
-This game is going to draw back a lot of retro fans, particularly Genwunners, so it needs to appeal to that audience
-Seriously all this game needs to be is just an HD port of Sun/Moon with different stuff, how is that hard?
-Are they feeling pressure from the vocal minority of players, many who abandoned the franchise, that want an MMO? Because I hope they aren't. Those people are morons.
-This franchise really needs to be handed off to another group of developers with GF/Pokemon Company working as consultants