>>48984763The trainer's eyes shot open.
It takes a minute for his eyes to adjust, but it would seem he is in a cave with a small fire barely illuminating the area.
The howling of the storm outside reverberated the inner walls.
Without hesitation, he quickly moved towards the fire. The warmth brought some sharp spike-like stings to the skin, but it didn't matter, the frostbite alone would have been doing more damage.
The flame had his full focus.
So much so he could barely feel the presence coming up behind him. Causing a chill to run down his spine.
With a slow turn, he came face to face with the powerful vixen. Still with the stinging glare from before.
No words are spoken.
After an eternity of staring at this creature, it finally clicked.
This was indeed a Ninetales, but it was not any he had ever seen before.
This Pokemon was a being of Ice.
The trainer looks over at his bag and wishes he could grab his Pokedex, but moving his eyes away from the eyes of the Ninetales seemed to only anger her.
He tries to break the silence but all of the human's words are ignored.
Suddenly, the Ninetales raises one of her front paws and puts it on the cold lap in front of her.
This quick movement startles the trainer. What could the Ninetales be doing?
Did it just drag him here to finish the job?
If only he could get to the Pokeballs in his bag, the human might be able to stand a chance.