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For the sake of this thread, will be considered a "victory road", not simply the location named this way, but any area you have to cross before getting to the league.
It's not so much about which one is objectively THE BEST but which ones YOU personally prefer
For me
>1# Jotho's route 27/28+victory's road
The victory road itself is a joke, but the heroic music after discovering you're in KAAANTOOO gave me the impression I was on the road to the world championship or something. Far from the hardest challenge, but the most memorable
>2#Hoenn's victory road
Extremely difficult cave that makes you crawl in the dark. The final battle against a rival you've long forgotten and the peaceful music after you finally cross it. Kino
>3#Sinnoh victory's road
Nearly the same as Hoenn, but Hoenn did it better for me. It's great for having an entirely optional section though
>4#Kanto's victory road
Epic music before and after the cave to build up the tension, and Moltres, of course
>#5Unova's victory road
The only reason it's behind Kanto is because Kanto as a moltres in it, it's a very good victory road in an on itself
>#6 Kalos' victory road
The road itself is more memorable than the league, that's saying something. It's still nothing to write home about
The other games didn't keep me interested long enough to finish them. I'm excited to see your rankings though