>>54966993That was all I wrote. It wasn't really working because there was a lot of fighting and I couldn't decide how I wanted to handle battles in the game. I could make it a full-on RPG battle thing, but I really didn't think the audience would want that from a VN. There's also the art issue; I can't draw so I'd have to commission an artist to draw Eternatus doing anything I want it to do. There's just not enough art out there of Eternatus doing things like "roaring" or "swiping with its claws" or whatever. Eternatus is huge and also hard to handle from like, a UI perspective. The best I could really do with it is have it be a background element, which would look kind of stupid if you're fighting it like an RPG. So ultimately I ended up cutting Eternatus from the plot entirely. Some day I'd like to do a game or story where Eteernatus is the big bad, maybe getting into a kaiju battle with Zygarde or something. But that's not this story.
There's also the issue of everything I'd written not really having any choices to be made by the player, and I didn't really feel like writing a fully linear narrative as a "game." I liked the idea of Marnie being somewhere away from home, and I like using Celebi as a time traveling friend. The story is still a time loop and it still has Celebi as a major character, but now Celebi is stuck in the time loop with you instead of being the one who causes it. This is all still being written of course and as I said, I make it up as I go. I threw out just about everything of the 20k words that I had written for that first version, because none of it was really working the way I liked it.