>>52255928>>52256429>>52256836This is such a fucking shit take.
Gen 1 hogs all the attention in literally every regard. Just because "muh other gens got attention" doesn't justify the gross misrepresentation Gen 1 gets. Take out Green from Gen 1 and the sales look only marginally better than Gen 2, with the only outlier here being that Pokemon Yellow is an anomaly only because it follows the theoretical titular story of Ash and his Pikachu.
Pokemon took a dip in Gen 3, but then came back with a bloody vengeance in Gen 4. I could even argue that the Virtual Console re-releases of Gen 2 outperform Gen 1 by a large margin, but for the life of me I can't find any official records for them, but it isn't difficult to pass 1.4m sales these days so I'll give benefit to doubt that it only really just barely did.
If any one gen is guilty of anything, it's Gen 5 with it's "soft reboot" to the age-old formula, sending sales down nose-first. X/Y saw an uptick once again, and S/M rode off of its success.
Know your fucking place and accept that Gen 2 did just as well from an statistically standpoint, Gen 3 dipped for some explainable reason, Gen 4 saved the franchise, Gen 5 killed any chance of further success with B/W with its soft-reboot, Gen 6 existed for 3DS owners, Gen 7 rode 6's wave, Gen 8 is entirely a statistical anomaly by all other norms, and Gen 9 is the bastard child of Gen 8.