>>53702777>>53702799>furfaggot asks retarded furfag question>other furfaggot goes apeshit out of nowhere because pokemon aren't peopleWhy does the fact that pokemon are dumb magic dogs make furries seethe so much? They're not considered people in any version of the canon. They hold no political office, they don't pay taxes, they don't go to school with humans and aren't tested against them. They don't own property, they can't be trainers, they don't know how to use basic shit like a potion or a fucking water bottle. They don't marry, vote, have IDs, have last names, rights to any eggs or children they have, and lastly and most importantly,
They're fucking property. Humanchads have completely subjugated p*kemon, made them their bitches, and cemented their place as the alpha species of the planet. P*kemon and Humans are in no way equal.
>b-but the bond between trainer and pok—AAACCK!How many pokemon is it to ONE trainer, again? SIX, if you don't count anything stored in a PC. So at the very minimum, 1 human is worth 6 pokemon. At the very minimum.