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Trade Request
Looking for a HA Eevee with Hyper Voice. Trying to get a Sylveon-to-be to raise/breed for myself and Pokemon pals. Preferably a suitable nature (Modest is ideal) and solid IVs. I have leftovers from a few breeding projects available. I have used most of my penta- and hexaperfect individuals but I have a few with decent spreads. Let me know if we've got ourselves a deal!
HA Adamant Dratini with Extreme Speed, (HP, Atk, SpD, Spe)
Adamant Swablu with Hyper Voice, (HP, Atk, SpA)
Jolly Charmander with Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz, and Outrage (Def, Spe)
HA Timid Pidgey with Defog (HP, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe)