Went on a catching spree, got some items, then I went for brown rock mommy. Not a fan of being forced to use midday Lycanroc, but I'll live.
Would you consider Day/Dusk Lycanroc different encounters? Their stats arent the same....
>OliviaI lead with Leppa. Although she gets lucky with Nosepass para/flinch shite, she absolutely refuses to crit Razor Leaf, so after 3 of them her own hp is so low, I have to switch in Yache. Yache Taunts, Screeches and Bites it to death. Boldore (who only uses Headbutt) comes in and Yache Screeches twice and Bites once. With Yache in range of 5 rocks blasts and a crit, I send in Mago. It doesnt take headbutt all that well and it yawns. Then I send in Razz. Razz's Rock Tomb leaves Bol on two, but it kills after the heal. Lycanroc comes in and I send in Eviolite!Custap on a Z-move… Which does less than 30%. After dodging a bite-flinch, Custap HHPs for the win
>Danger!HauCustap leads and thanks to eviolite, it lives Psychic. Raichu, however, does not survive HHP. Brionne comes in and I send in Mago on a regular Bubblebeam. Which does like 30%? holy shit. Mago sets up light screen. Barely surviving the 3rd Bubblebeam, Mago hits Yawn. I send in Leppa on a bubblebeam. Hau uses a Full heal and Leppa refuses to crit again, so it takes 4 turns to kill Brionne. Lastly is Flareon, but it's an easy KO for Razz.
>>54202580Nothing of value was lost.
>>54203536I'm rooting for ya, Anon.