Basic breeding guide: is possible to get 6 perfect IVs, but how long you're going to be working at it depends on a few things.
How many abilities does the Pokemon have? Pokemon with more abilities generally make it a bit tougher to breed. Making sure you attain proper nature early on in the breeding process will save you a lot of time in the long run.
Also, ask yourself this: do you really need 6 IVs? Depending on what you're making, 6 "perfect" IVs may actually be detrimental to your Pokemon (ex: ever hear about Foul Play + Swagger? If you're making a pure SPA attacker, you don't want max ATK).
My best advice is to look at the guide I wrote, and start with at least 3 IVs on both the father and the mother (getting 3 IV Dittos is not hard, you just have to be diligent).
Good luck.