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I really need help with this 6* ground Garchomp:
Iron Hands, raidcats, Gholdengo and Miraidon get rekt by earthquake (even with air ballon).
Koraidon gets rekt by Outrage.
Azumarill can't deal enough damage, even with belly drum.
So I want to try the Polteageist + Oranguru strat. Here's how it would work:
Turn 1 Polteageist (@air ballon) uses Shell smash. Oranguru uses Instruct after, making Polteageist Shell smash again. Before all of that, two bulky Fake Tears users (ideally Azumarills @Sitrus berry) would use Defense Cheer so Polteageist can take a hit in-between Shell smashes.
Turn 2, both Azumarills use Fake Tears. Then, Oranguru (@air ballon) uses Instruct on Polteageist for yet another Shell Smash. Polteageist then outspeeds and uses Stored Power and OHKO's Garchomp.
I have the Polteageist and Orangutan ready, I just need to trade the Orangutan to an anon to execute the strat with, and two Azumarills anons to join us.
If you're interested in taking down perhaps the hardest raid mon there is, please reply with what pokemon you wish to main. I'll then trade the Orangutan and host the raid (and write a quick recap of the strat so you know what to do).