>>17115968"But why do you need *my* help?"
Suddenly, Sycamore makes a broad move as he places a hand on your thigh, "Listen Calem my son, I can feel your thigh-brations using my man-palm, and I can feel the pungent chunks of stale milk crustifying the soft fabric of your boxers and dripping down your legs, I can tell that you're scared. But I need you to stay strong, rester forte! RESTER FORTE! Développer une paire!"
"I-I already have a-"
"IT'S NOT NEARLY STERILE ENOUGH, MY SON! Vous ne vous sentez mon thigh-brations!"
Sycamore calms down, keeping a hand planted on your thigh, "Listen my son, if you stick it out with me, you're going to end up doing great things. Yes, de grandes choses! But you have to believe, BELIEVE. Believe and cesser d'être un perdant! You're going to be a great kid Calem, I can see it, I can see it now, and I know my palm can feel it."
"Uh...Alright? And you're saying that my greatness starts here?"
"So as long as your rectum is willing to fertilize, yes."
"Wait, what!?"
"NOTHING. We shall cross that bridge when it comes, tres bien!"
With that, the Hover Bro-Bile arrives at the Coumarine Train Station.
>Sycamore's contact is...A) A detestable landwhale.
B) The talking mon of the day.
C) An ex-fling with busty boobs.