>>17621219All hugs eventually come to a close though. Alice and Bonnie let go of each other, only for Bonnie to push more pressure onto Clemont by acting like a load on his back.
"Come on, big brother, don't mess up now, not in front of all these people!"
"S-Stop pressuring me, t-that doesn't help me at all!"
Clemont takes another deep breath. All jokes aside, this is some pretty deep shit. One wrong move or miscalculation could mean the difference between the tower turning on again and the tower collapsing to the ground and exploding.
"C-Come on....w-work...NOW!" Clemont pushes the button, and eagerly, but fearfully, waits for the results. He and Bonnie look up at the tower, both hoping that nothing bad happens.
Five seconds pass without anything happening.
Then that five turns into ten.
Once it reaches fifteen, Clemont begins to worry that the readjustments he made to the tower weren't sufficient, "A-At least it didn't e-explode r-righ-"
The nerd is interrupted by the tower turning back on.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcSPK5yn9K8Clemont's frown immediately turns upside-down straightaway. The lower levels of the tower are the first to turn up, instantly followed up by the higher levels, until the very peak of the tower illuminates with the most brightest glow. Both Alice and Bonnie's eyes go wide with awe.
Clemont's glasses glisten in the glow, "YEAAAAH!" he jubilantly yells, "IT WORKED! The future is NOW, thanks to /SCIENCE/!"
A) Go full on NE NE KAAWAAAAAIIII SENPAI towards the mentioning of science.
B) Remind Clemont that he's in for a world of hurt now.
C) Shauna suffers from spontaneous brain damage.