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Sorry for the delay. dad fell down the stairs and both of his legs broke off due to his medical condition.
alright. i aint gonna re list the sets to these. just going to make notes. they all perfect IV/ev/BR
Empoleon and zapdos are non HB, but defog
Infernape, Steelix, Ludicolo, Beedrill, Pinsir, Mamoswine, Rhypherior, are all non KB (due to moves and abilities)
Put up a taillow onto the GTS for a lvl 100 version of the pokemon you want. just make the message the pokemon you want (ie /gg/ Noivern) ( if you want noivern)
All mega capable pokes have mega sets.
Non SHone pokes are: Rhypherior, Mamoswine, Pinsir, Lucario, Sharpedo, Politoad, Weavile.
Some do not have items, Some do. this is a result of being stored in bank.
You can double/triple/quad/etc dip, just put up another taillow onto the GTS after i get to you.