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The adventure continues, and everyone works together slapping around fools training in the outskirts of the Pinwheel Forest.
As Skyslayer got two days worth of training from Challenge Rock (Star Pieces are nice), Darkblade felt the ancient ancestors call out to him, and with their encouragement, bade him to grab that mental scalchop, and dine on it with pride! (He evolved to Dewott).
Nacrene Gym--museum, Dragonite skeleton, miscellanious Arceus(?) plates, unba-bunga ooga-booga mask--it's time to slap some dogs and a Patrat or two. When they're in my way, they're the BAD KIND of puppy... ...Not really, though...
>Herdier gnawed on Terrahide like he was a chew toy
>countered with Rock Smashing and Blasting
>Watchog looked with all the intensity of a child predator
>Sundowner was sent in, was totally ready to steal something
>Retaliate one-shots the fire monkey; explodes in flames.
>Skyslayer would probably embellish the story a little, but 2HKOd with Low Kick.
>Throw Retaliate into the trash
Next time, we go full Indy and tell those Plasma serfs that that Dragonite skull belongs in a museum!