>Wake up to see this>Not a bad shiny Haunter>Also catch the Pinser that I missed the first time>Berry Finding in first slotFeels good man.
>>54690215>where you going?Taupe Hallow
>Drink/dessert weekfug.
>Goals for this week?Get the hours required to evolve my Eevee to Sylveon/Espeon/Umbreon, start pumping in hours to my
female Riolu, and increase the bonus to Taupe Hallow.
>future island ideas?So many island ideas to utilize berries that haven't been used yet.
My vote goes to this
>>54690604>>5469114612% anon. I think they applied the ratio to the other mons with that rate too.
At least you can ID a female Eevee, other mons aren't as fortunate.