My team's changed a lot in the last two gyms. Everyone fully evolved, I lost two to Elesa (Krokorok and Lucario), and had two unfortunate accidents with Ground types.
That being said the team feels a lot more complete now. Accelgor is a great addition and makes for a fantastic pivot. A physical wall in Weezing and a special wall in Musharna. A physical attacker in Samurott, a special attacker in Cofagrigus. Whimsicott works as another physical wall and is great for stalling with Cotton Guard + Leech Seed + Giga Drain.
Clay went down easily, was basically ripped apart by Whimsicott and Samurott. Time to head for Skyla.
>>50641097Timid or not this Pawniard is gonna hit hard, especially once it evolves. Nice addition.
>>50640128Nice solid team. Love seeing Jumpluff especially, that's not one I see used often. Will you be evolving Kadabra/Graveler?
>>50639294Twilightmenu is a godsend. Gen 4 would be unbearable without it. Machop/Zubat is an incredible combo if you can get them evolved. Good luck.