>>32296048Not a fan of your team, but would hang out based on the personality. Nice choice of mega jewelry, btw
>>32296484Wrong template, only female team... would report you to the police
>>32297035Crazy outfit and weird items. Nice starter, tho
>>32297085Would challenge you to a battle.
>>32298000A steel biker, nice. Best of thread yet
>>32301476There's an Arcanine so can't say bad things.
>>32301900Would share pics and chat, then move along
>>32303196Dark girl fetish awakened. I like your team and some of the reserves, but Lucario is shit.
>>32303999Good contender for best in thread but got sniped. Would hang around since you look you have Jack Black's personality
>>32304106Too girlish for me but would hang out. Bonus points for imagining yourself as a protagonist
>didn't decide on team/reserves yet but want to go to sleep so I'll post without them anyway