Remember to spin them Pokeballs for style points, as well as higher catch rates. When you spin, the ball will curve so keep that in mind so you don't waste a lot of balls for nothing.
I've noticed some Pokemon dodge certain kinds of throws, like Zubats. If you throw a ball straight, it will avoid it be dodging left or right. But throw a curveball and it lands as long as you know how to throw it in the right direction.
Also don't forget that for Gym battles, you have to tap the opponent Pokemon for you to attack. By side-swiping you can dodge their attacks.
Oh, and also don't forget that Incense attracts nearby Pokemon to your location, if you use it while just sitting still, you wont encounter as many Pokemon as you would if you were walking/biking/driving.
Go catch as many as you can today, anons.
>>27011408Hail Blue Team!