>>16688952A Cacnea who also appeared seemingly out of nowhere, dons a referee shirt and hurriedly approaches the center of the arena, "THIS IS A ONE-ON-ONE MATCH! No blows below the belt, special attacks be damned and discouraged as WUSSY MOVES, we want a FAIR FIGHT--we have THOUSANDS of dirty Lentimian kids watching this all the way back home SO DON'T DO THIS FOR YOURSELF DO IT FOR THE KIDS ALRIGHT?! Okay okay, we're done here--START!"
The Cacnea scuttles off, and just in time too, for Hawk starts the match off pre-maturely with a Steel Wing.
Luchy dodges the attack just in time, then looks at you for a command.
"O-Oh! Um, shit, Hawlucha, start out simple--Power-Up Punch!"
Luchy baits Hawk into using Steel Wing multiple times, subtly allowing Luchy time to back into the arena-now-wrestling-ring's ropes. Hawk simply assumes that he's trying to edge out of the way of Steel Wing, and edges closes to nick him good with the attack.
Then, Luchy strikes.
Bouncing from the ropes, Luchy gains some hang time and lands a sick punch to Hawk's cheek, throwing him to the ground. Luchy lands on the other side of the ring, a red aura quickly glows around him.
The crowd boos loudly.
>Luchy's Attack was raised!Enraged, Hawk quickly gets up and uses Hone Claws.
>Hawk's Attack was raised!>Haw's Accuracy was raised!Korrina performs a spin on her skates, her adrenaline up the arse from the battle's tension, "Brick Break, do it!"
A) Use Low Sweep!
B) Use Detect!
C) Use Wing Attack!
D) Use Poison Jab!