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I get frustrated over the small things that don't really seem to make sense in the Pokemon world or are not explained in greater detail. Like, Pokemon Ages. How does this work? I can tell that it seems different depending on the Pokemon's species, but how does age affect them? Do they mature mentally? I know they mature physically, but what about their mental state? Where is their mental state upon birth/hatching? Do they get weaker or stronger as they get older? What's an "Adult" for a particular Pokemon species? When do Pokemon breed? Is it strictly during a certain season (Like Butterfree)? How do they find mates? How do they know what sex a Pokemon is, if the Pokemon lacks sexual dimorphism? How do they breed? Where do eggs come from (I hate this question the most, because they keep dodging it)? I'm pretty sure evolution doesn't have anything to do with any of this, but if it does... how does it matter? Is it strictly something that is used as a status symbol or to attract mates? Does it symbolize maturity or 'adulthood'? If it does what about Pokemon that don't evolve and grow old at base stage or a prior evolution?
Fuckin' Why don't more pokemon talk or use telepathy? All Pokemon seem to have the capability to learn how to speak (maybe telepathy is rare) due to the fact that Meowth learned how to. So why don't see more domesticated Pokemon who decided to learn how to talk and verbalize their opinions in a human filled society? Whats in a Pokeball?? Is it a Pocket Dimension? They say they are "Comfortable" but visual depictions in the manga and anime show cramped small spaces with no mobility, like a circular prison... Do Pokemon like being in these? Wouldn't pokemon want to revolt if they don't? Why the hell is the Pokemon universe sending 10 year old kids with these very dangerous creatures that could kill people? Digimon at least has the excuse that the Kids are roped into it, not done by the regular world they live in.