>>31050348>1. How did you get into Pokemon? (Cards, Anime, Games...) Also, what was your first game/anime episode/card you can recall?Cousin got pokemon blue on his gameboy and asked me to keep pressing A to buy coins at the casino because he can't be arsed to do it himself.
First game was red, first anime episode was the one where the two metapods keep using harden. I don't play cards.
>2. How old where you when you got into Pokemon? How old are you now?I don't remember, but I'm 24 now.
>3. Now that you are an adult, what element of Pokemon is your favorite? (Cards, Anime, Games, etc.)Game. Dex completing in particular.
>4. Favorite type? and Favorite Pokemon?None in particular. Whimsicott.
>5. If I told you that you could choose any starter from any region and have it at your house by next week, which starter would you choose?Yeah, I'm gonna go with mudkip.
>6. What is the best element of Pokemon? Capturing and evolving.
>What is the worst element?Local wifi events was hell for those not living anywhere in Japan/America/Europe. Thank God for Internet distribution nowadays.
>7. What do you think Pokemon will be like twenty years from now?I don't think about it that much, because
a) I like to be surprised
b) put the expectation too high and I'll only be met with disappointment
>Thank you for your time!