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Favorite likely due to nostalgia but I come back to play once or twice a year. My playthrough this year was comprised of mons I overlook usually and it was quite fun. Gliscor is now a bromon cause of it.
>Jet Set Radio/Future
I know they are 2 different games but I grew up playing Future and always loved it but then I played the original and although I prefer the gameplay of Future I liked the overall aesthetic and story of the original more. But they are both excellent so I struggle to rate one over the other. 2 of my favorite songs from original is Miller Boll Breakers and Funky Radio. And 2 favorites from Future would be Aisle 10 and Rockin the Mic.
>Sonic Mania
I do enjoy the classic Sonic games but Mania is just the one I go back to a lot, and I can just sit down and play through the whole game or can play with my friend in Competition and that is always a rage inducing fun time. Favorite zone aesthetically is Press Garden Act 2, but my fave in competitive is Flying Battery.
>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
I played through this Co-Op with my friend last summer and it was insanely fun. I like NMH but the experience of playing this couch coop with my friend remains in my brain as one of my recent positive memories. And the music also slaps from it. My faves are either Lo-Fi Civillization and the Silver Face battle theme.