Old Thread:
>>16117259This is a thread for trading, battling and other WiFi related functions.
This is not a thread to ask simple questions.
Please try to avoid posting walls of text.
If you're new, please read this:
http://pastebin.com/Hu3aaWX2Here are some resources for you for easier list management:
This one has a few sprite lists and some background images for you:
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wcnyta3r7nr3rh7And this has all the pokemon images including gen 6:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/0e9x3ti0e3nf5fh/Pokemon.zipRemember to have your Friend Code and Name somewhere in your post to avoid confusion and make things run smoother.
If you're inquiring about the OP image, or you want to know more:
http://challonge.com/WFGME2013Don't feel afraid to ask me any questions about it.