>Bill from Kanto was named after BILL FUCKING GATES>Aegislash used to have 80 base HP instead of 60>Tyrantrum used to have 141 attack>Mega Charizard Y used to have Gale Wings as it's ability>Mega Garchomp used to get a +20 boost in speed instead of special attack when Mega evolving>Mega Alakazam, a Pokemon that has an item it can't get rid of in any way used to have Magician as it's ability>TALONFLAME USED TO HAVE 104 ATTACK>The Ashnime had a map during an image that is the completed Kalos map including the recently leaked south Kalos>Gen 5 was both going to have a "playboy" mechanic of charming girls via your Pokemon as well as a motherfucking area 51 zone>/vp/ loses it's fucking shit over the leaked shoe sizes of pokegirls>One of the few actually confirmed gen 10 leaks that was related to the shitty new anime heavily the next region will be island based and tied around exploration, with a codename of Gaia (Greece bros?)>Cyrus has been confirmed to be an autistic NEET>Original Spheal was meant to resemble a bowling ball and it had a counterpart penguinmon that was meant to resemble a bowling pin>Several fucking anons doxx themselves in the leak threads by being absolute fucking retards>XY insider was actually a hoax, but the guy still correctly guessed a bunch of shit that was scrapped from XY correctly anyway (task failed successfully)>TENTAQUIL WAS FUCKING REAL This is beautiful, what a fucking time to be alive.
>>56644329>>56644693Who knew Gamefreak themselves were chuds just like us.
>Didn't they refer to fairies as tranniesYup.
>>56645322>>56645890Oof, it's time to go back to hell huh?