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Well, here's a handful of things I farted out before bed.
-Some kind of fairy/grass creature based on gumnut/banksia people. A small, excitable, mischevious pygmy, but not very bright.
-An alt version of the ghost gum + ghost crab prevo from earlier threads. The carapace and claws are gumnuts, I couldn't decide whether to make the claws clawlike or make them gumnut cannons.
-Just seeing what I could do with the Craggro idea. Two rock-types with hammer heads for fists, that pulverize their way through caverns and mountainsides. couldn't think of a good prevo.
-Just a baseline water buffalo, maybe useful if the bubbalo line was to stay in.
-Shockatiel/Shockatoo from previous threads. Love 'em.
And then an Echidna that looks far too much like a Sandslash/Heatmor, and a hoop snake.
Make of it what you will.