don't listen to these retards
ninjihax is so fucking old it hurts and you don't need OOT and all this shit unless you just HAVE TO, oot and physical entry points are last resource kind of thing with hard modding.
You now do luma with a9lh which basically works exactly like a legit 3DS but with EVERYTHING unlocked and available, you an even download everything legit from the eshop FOR FREE, and with following the guide you will end up with most things you need AND after doing it, your 3DS is basically untouchable, it can't permanently brick.
Depending on your 3DS model, version and what not you will need several things.
The older usually the better.
https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wikiThis guide covers everything and while it's a bit long it's easy, just gotta follow it, you're free to tell me your 3DS model and current firmware on it (the one that shows up on system settings) or you can pop in /hbg/ on /vg/.
Everything and everyone that can help you is there, you need to inform yourself and to not rush this, it's your 3DS at stake.